Friday, February 10, 2012

New Window!

So, we've decided to forgo the old Valentines Day window in favour of something much more fun!! Sure, we all love a chocy and some beautiful flowers ...but no where near as much as we LOVE a new fashion season!!

Yummy knits...


Are you pickin' up what we're puttin' down? It's all about the home spun knit this Winter...

At the amusement of the Pearl Breaky crowd, Dee MADE ME climb into the window to give a "demonstration" of the old spinning wheel so she could snap me in two things, 1 My grin was so cheesy that I could of been doing a Colgate commercial...and 2 I CAN'T SPIN!! Plus we were using peach ribbon instead of wool so there's that old chestnut!

As you can see...I have deleted the evidence...


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